Monday, April 13, 2009

Cook's Illustrated

In one of my recent excursions at Whole Foods I recently discovered an old friend, one that I had lost touch with, Cook's Illustrated. This magazine is or should I say was one of my favorites not because it has the best recipes but because of the information it gives you. It has been years since I had actually purchased a copy. For those that are not familiar with this magazine it is owned and operated by Christopher Kimball. Yes, this is the the guy on PBS's American Test Kitchens, red apron funny haircut. The show, like the magazine, test recipes over and over until they understand how and why they work and arrive at the very best version. This might not sound interesting but once you start reading you really feel like the author understands how you felt that time you tried making chicken and even your dog wouldn't eat it. As a cook I sometimes catch myself questioning and wondering if there might be a better way to enlighten or jazz up a recipe. I always feel like I can make it better, so I add a little of this a little of that. Oh, you get the point my inner self believes that I am the next Iron Chef. This is the reason that I don't bake. My last baking disaster almost caused someone an eyeball. Since I don't like to follow recipes and for baking you have to follow I proudly say I can't bake. This magazine takes out the element of what if and appeases your curiosity. The trial and error has been done and now it is time to create. It is a great magazine and those of you who think as I do can appreciate it. They also publish Cook's Entertaining for the skinny on innovative and creating ideas for those fabulous paries we all like to have.

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